Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My ideal Job

My ideal job will be a vet and would be to work with exotic animals in clinics helping all animals there. I would like to work abroad as in Africa or Australia, because there is where I want. I also want interact with the people, inform them how they should be with the exotic animals and take good care about them. I want them to show the fabulous world of these animals and for me they are beautiful animals and they can not be extinguished. Other thing I want to do is help those animals that need it most, there are so many people who attack them, as they have not protection.

And finally, I want do all these things because I love animals, and I will be happy if they are happy. I want each animal on the planet has beautiful and healthy life where I want to be.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


This website are used for many people in the world, include me. My sister insisted that I had a Facebook, she said "sign up, sign up" and I signed up. It was in April of 2008 and then of that moment I don't leave Facebook, I play games, I see pictures, I have contacts with my friends. Facebook opened my mind and allowed that I find out of events and everything that people do. Facebook permit found friend and family that you don't see for a long time , you can meet people from another country and many things that you need.
I visit this website everyday, I play a game called "Farm Ville", where you must to do a farm with trees, animals, houses and many other things.
I like this website because allow me talk with my friends who live in ViƱa del Mar, I live in Santiago but I travel to Quillota every end of week to see them. Allow me talk with my family and share pictures and inform them of what I do here in Santiago.