Thursday, October 22, 2009


This picture was taken in the winter holiday by Paola, who I knew in the south of Chile. This is Lago Ranco specifically Riñinahue, a little village to the east of Valdivia in the X Region.

Here Tomás, Felipe, Gianfranco and me were done stupid thing. We took a boat and put on the lake then we sailed for the shore for a long time. I got down quickly before to sail because I got scared as the boat was moving intensely. It was very funny. The guys joked me and all people learned of this event.

I like this picture because I remember the travel for voluntary jobs that I made with my friends. It was a good experience for me because I grew as person and I knew a new place and the people were very friendly.

I hope that this travel repeat again some day. =)

Friday, October 16, 2009

My notebook

My favourite piece of technology is my notebook, it is a black packard bell.
I got it this year in march. My dad and my mom gave it to me like a present for my effort. I need it because I am from Quillota and I live here alone.

I use my notebook everyday. It`s very useful because all of the teachers send the classes by e-mail and all the information that I need to know is in U-cursos ( the web site from the university). I don't use my notebook only for the university and for research, I also use it to chat with my familie and friends. I can speak with them all day long and it isn't so expensive like the cellphone. I can see my familie by web-cam and I like it very much, because I can fell them nearer.

I think my notebook makes my life easier. I could live without it , because it is not essential. I don't mind using the computers from the university, but having a computer in my house is a lot more confortable.

That´s because my notebook is my favourite piece of technology.