Friday, October 16, 2009

My notebook

My favourite piece of technology is my notebook, it is a black packard bell.
I got it this year in march. My dad and my mom gave it to me like a present for my effort. I need it because I am from Quillota and I live here alone.

I use my notebook everyday. It`s very useful because all of the teachers send the classes by e-mail and all the information that I need to know is in U-cursos ( the web site from the university). I don't use my notebook only for the university and for research, I also use it to chat with my familie and friends. I can speak with them all day long and it isn't so expensive like the cellphone. I can see my familie by web-cam and I like it very much, because I can fell them nearer.

I think my notebook makes my life easier. I could live without it , because it is not essential. I don't mind using the computers from the university, but having a computer in my house is a lot more confortable.

That´s because my notebook is my favourite piece of technology.


  1. he sebastian!
    your objet is fantastic!
    is very usefull for study.
    bye! see you

  2. seba! your notebook is great! and very useful.
    i like it a lot
    take care!
